Insert references

Abstract submission

There are two ways for inserting references into the abstract text:

1. Copy and paste

Write your text in a word processing program, such as MS-Word.

reference-word_en.jpgPaste the text into the text editor field of Smart Abstract using the copy and paste function (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + Shift + V).

reference-copied_en.jpgThe footnote is automatically inserted at the bottom of the text field. Only the characters used are counted.

If your abstract form consists of several text fields, copy the footnotes to the end of your abstract. Check the numbering and change the formatting of the counting character if necessary (e.g. superscript

2. Reference function

Depending on the organizer's specifications, the "Refrence" function may be activated. This ensures a uniform formatting. Optionally, a predefined number of characters is subtracted for each reference, regardless of its complexity- please check the guidelines.

Inserting a reference is done in several steps.

Step 1: Open reference editor

In the My Abstracts > Content tab in the right sidebar, click the Create referencebutton.


If the button is deactivated, the maximum number of allowed literature references has been reached.

Step 2: Create a reference

Fill out the form in the new Create reference view:

  • Reference shortcut: the reference shortcut is used in the editor as a placeholder for the footnote, e.g. REF01. In the preview, the placeholder is then replaced by the linked footnote.

  • Citation: Fill in the form fields you need.


Save your entries by clicking on Create reference. When you save, you will automatically return to the "Content" page.


The sidebar now shows how many literature references are available. A warning triangle indicates which references have not yet been inserted into the text. Inserted references are marked with a green checkmark.

Step 3: Insert reference

Place your mouse cursor at the position in the text box where you want to insert the bibliography.

Select the book icon directly above the text field and mark the literature citation to be inserted in the dialog that opens. Confirm your selection with Ok.


In the text editor, your reference shortcut is enclosed in hash-signs, e.g. #REF:1#. This is how the system recognises that it is a placeholder.

placeholder-reference_en.jpgYou can position the placeholder at another place with "cut" (Ctrl + X) and "paste" (Ctrl + V).

Save your entries with Save or - if you do not want to make any further changes - with Save & proceed.

Open the "Preview" to check the inserted references.

Note: Any bibliography created with the "Reference" function will be displayed below the abstract, even if you have not inserted the reference shortcut in the abstract text. If you do not want a bibliography to be output, you must delete the references.

This article belongs to Insert text.

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