Edit author list

Abstract submission

The author list offers various editing options. These may vary depending on the event.


1. Define first author


The first entry in the list of authors is automatically assigned the role of first author.

As soon as at least one further entry has been created, the position within the list can be changed.

2. Change order of the author list

Possibility 1: Drag and Drop

Select the author entry while holding down the mouse button and drag it to the desired position.

Possibility 2: Arrow up and down


Arrow up moves the entry up one position

Arrow down sets the entry one position downwards

3. Pencil icon: Edit author information

Open the author form with the pencil icon.


You can edit name, contact details and affiliated institute.

4.Cross icon: Remove author


Clicking on the cross icon removes the entry from the list - after a confirmation prompt.

5. Microfone icons: Define presenter

Define who presents the abstract with the microphone icon. By clicking on it, the icon changes from crossed out to not crossed out and vice versa.

Presenters are additionally marked with the text "Presenting author".


Depending on the organiser's specifications, only one or several people may present.

Note: If the microphone icon is not visible, no person must/should present, e.g. for posters.

Further options

The following editing options are offered for only a few congresses.

6. Envelope icon: Define corresponding author


Depending on the organiser's specifications you are asked to define the corresponding author, possibly with additional contact information, e.g. phone number.


The filled icon is active, so it was selected.

7. Star icon: Define equal contributor


Depending on the organizer's requirements, you may specify another person as first author.


The gray star icon marks the first author who is named first.

A filled star icon marks the selected persons, who are marked in the author list as further first author:in.

This article belongs to Create Abstract.

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