Edit abstract

Abstract submission

Even if you have already submitted your abstract, you can edit, change or add to it at any time until the deadline.

Note: After the deadline, the editing function is deactivated.

Open the tab "My abstracts", which lists all abstracts you have already created.

There are two ways you can edit your abstract:

1. Direct links to the editing areas

Via the linked field labels

  • Submitted as

  • Author List

  • Topic

the respective form can be opened directly for changes or additions.


2. Icons next to the abstract number

Depending on the processing progress of the submission, the individual processing icons are displayed in different colors:

  • active = dark blue

  • inactive = gray

1. Pencil icon: Edit abstract

Click the pencil icon to edit abstract title and text.


You will enter the edit mode in the "Content" tab.

Switch over the tab menu to change the other contents, e.g.

2. Right arrow: Submit abstract

Click the right arrow icon to submit the abstract.


If this completes the abstract, it can be submitted by the deadline. Complete means that all required data has been entered. Incomplete abstracts cannot be submitted, the icon is grayed out.

3. Left arrow: Withdraw abstract

Click the left arrow icon to withdraw the abstract from submission.


You can withdraw submitted abstracts until the deadline.

After the deadline, please contact the organizer by email. The organiser's address is listed on the "Contact" page.

The withdrawal will be confirmed by e-mail.

4. Eye: Open preview

Click the eye icon to open the abstract preview.


The preview summarizes all information pertaining the abstract. It is divided into: Metadata, Abstract, and Author information.

5. PDF icon: Print abstract as PDF

Click the PDF icon to open the abstract as a PDF document.


You can save or print the PDF.

6. Trash can: Delete abstract

Click the trash can icon to delete the abstract.


You can delete unsubmitted abstracts at any time up to the deadline.

If you had already submitted the abstract, you must first withdraw it from submission.

This article belongs to Create Abstract.

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