Planning view

Session planning by session chair

If you click the Schedule presentations button in the List of sessions allocated to you, you will get to the planning view.


1. Functions in the planning view


1. Session title

2. Information about the session

3. Timetable: In the timetable, all contributions are inserted over the planned session duration. The grid offers the possibility to schedule the contributions to the minute. Each line represents one minute.

4. Switch between available sessions: The table lists all sessions to be scheduled. By clicking on the linked session shortcut you can quickly switch to the planning view of another session.

5. Create a new lecture or event: If the lecture or event you want to schedule does not yet exist, you can create it directly in the planning view and insert it into the timetable.

6. Timeslot for presentations: Here you define the duration for presentations that you insert into the schedule. The duration can be adjusted to the minute later in the timetable.

Scheduling presentations for sessions

For information on planning oral or poster sessions, see:

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